
A guided tour through the Danish Public Data landscape

Wednesday 23 October 10.30

Organizer: Povl Gad, Danish Agency for Digital Government

This session introduces you to some of the most important data collected and distributed by the Danish public sector. You will be able to meet the people behind the data and speak to them 1:1 about your needs and ideas. is the national entry point to data from the public sector in Denmark. In this session, Datavejviser has invited a number of the Danish data publishers to meet you. You will be introduced to the data platforms and be able to speak to the distributors on a 1:1 basis in a “speed dating” format.

The data presented are produced by many different public sector authorities, dealing with a variety of subjects and data types: Statistics, geographical data, environmental data, health data, weather data and much more. The session is thus relevant for anyone from senior researchers, students, business professionals, start-up entrepreneurs and civil servants in the public sector itself.

  • Introduction to the session and to Datavejviser (Martin Skovbjerg Jensen, 15 minutes)
  • Introductions to 10 data publishers (various speakers, 20 minutes)
  • Questions in Plenum (10 minutes)
  • Short break, 5 minutes
  • Speed dating round 1 (10 minutes)
  • Speed dating round 2 (10 minutes)
  • Speed dating round 3 (10 minutes)
  • Wrap up (10 minutes)

  • Povl Heiberg Gad, Special Consultant, Danish Agency for Digital Government,
  • Martin Skovbjerg Jensen, Chief Consultant, Danish Agency for Digital Government,


The session is relevant for participants of all levels of experience with public data