Applied Chemometrics – an engaging 20-minute challenge on spectral data
Wednesday 23 October 13.15
Organizer: Beatriz Quintanilla Casas, University of Copenhagen
Chemometrics is a well-established sub-discipline within data science typically involving applications in the fields of analytical chemistry, omics and industrial process control. Our goal is to move the chemometrics community one step closer to the Danish Data Science community and we see great potential to do so at the D3A conference. Our workshop concept focuses on participant engaging activities, but also includes an introductory talk, as well as concluding remarks.
We wish to attract participants from across the field of the Danish Data Science community, especially those who are not familiar with the domain of chemometrics in order to make cross- disciplinary impact. We will apply elements of gamification to make sure that participants from other data science disciplines will gain easy access to the presented problems.
Format: Problem-solving game in groups of four (max. 10 groups, 40 participants). Total duration is 90 min.
Introduction (15 min) – Common challenges in spectroscopic data analysis from an industrial perspective.
Interactive session (60 min) – Groups work on a problem in a gamified context. The problem-solving activity consists in classifying a deck of cards, each card containing data measured on a specific set of samples.
Concluding remarks (15 min) – Comments to game and link to industrial applications
This session is co-organized by members of the Chemometrics and machine learning group at University of Copenhagen and DSK (Dansk Selskab for Kemometri, the Danish Chemometrics Society).