Data Management Aspects of Analytics
Wednesday 23 October 13.15
Organizer: Torben Bach Pedersen, Aalborg University
The topic of the session is the data management platforms for analytics and system aspects of data management which are currently developed by/worked on by the Danish data management and analytics research community. Specifically, this covers concepts, domain-specific languages, algorithms and data structures, storage formats, query, algorithms and systems optimization, analytics techniques, open source implementations, key use cases, and other relevant topics for data management and analytics.
The primary target audience for the session are data management researchers from Denmark, at all levels from Master and PhD students, postdocs, assistant, associate, and full professors, as well as industrial researchers, working on the session topic. The secondary target audience are industry data scientists, data engineers, and software developers working with data management and analytics. To preserve an open and interactive environment with time for everyone to contribute and speak, a maximum of 20-25 participants is preferred, but not strictly necessary.
The type of session is the “Workshops discussing work-in-progress.”
The program looks as follows:
Short presentations: We schedule 5-minute pitch presentations
of recent and ongoing work followed by 2-3 minutes Q&A.
Discussion and identifying potential collaborations
After the presentations there will be 40 minutes of informal interactive
discussions identifying opportunities for future collaborations on research, industrial applications, and/or funding proposals. Moreover, the audience will have the opportunities to ask individual questions to the speakers. We encourage the audience to ask specific questions. To initiate the discussion, we may ask general panel-like questions on the current and future trends of data management in the research landscape.