Software Infrastructures for Teaching at Scale
Tuesday 22 October 13.30
Organizer: Ulrik Nyman, Aalborg University
The session is intended to be the culmination workshop of the educational project “Software Infrastructures for Teaching at Scale” in workstream 12 of DIREC. We will briefly provide an overview of the project and its findings, followed by presentations of three sub-projects, and concluded by a discussion of future directions in supporting Computer Science education by software.
Summary of the project and it’s conclusion (10 min)
Presentation of three of the funded sub-projects
(3 × 20 minutes: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions).
Discussion of potential future directions and applications (20 min)
We are targeting all those teaching courses in Computer Science programmes at the Danish universities, who are interested in using and developing software infrastructure to enable teaching at scale.