We invite participating researchers to submit their latest results that fall in the scope of the D3A 2024 conference in the form of a poster. The poster session will be a perfect opportunity to showcase your latest results, preliminary findings and work in progress to a diverse crowd, including researchers in the academic, private and public sectors.

Poster board specifications

The poster boards measure 94 cm in width and 120 cm in height (portrait orientation)

Posters must be put up 22 October between 15.00 and 15.30

Posters must be taken down 22 October between 21.00 and 21.30

D3A does not cover printing costs.

Everyone is welcome to submit an abstract. We especially encourage PhD students, postdocs and young professionals to display their work during the poster session. Please keep in mind that the D3A conference is a scientific event which will mostly cater to researchers. Nevertheless, we also welcome contributions from corporate, startups and public institutions that have a scientific purpose.

To disseminate your work, research project or disruptive idea(s) and get the chance to discuss them with peers, experts in the field and potential new collaborators.

  • To spark new ideas, get feedback and build new collaborations
  • To highlight what your research group/department/organisation is up to and create interest among young talented researchers.
  • To engage and connect with a diverse crowd within the Digitalization, Data Science and AI fields, including academics, startups, corporate and public sector professionals and make new contacts.


We will accept all posters satisfying these criteria until the space in the poster hall is filled. If we receive more submissions than the space, we will prioritize submissions according to their potential for initiating interesting discussions and favor those coming from Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students.

In order to present a poster at the conference, please submit an abstract in the form of a one-page document including:

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Affiliations
  • Abstract (max. 400 words, not including bibliographic references)
  • 3 keywords


Please note: registration to the submission platform is not a registration to the conference. 

Submissions can be made through the CMT submission system

Melih Kandemir, SDU

Stella Grasshof, ITU