What lessons are AI researchers re-learning that HCI researchers have known about for years?
What can be done?
Wednesday 23 October 10.30
Organizer: Susanne Bødker, Aarhus University
The focus will be on why HCI has failed to transfer insights to AI. What does HCI ‘know’ that AI seems to need to find out again, or reinvent? Is it too late or does HCI still have insights to offer to AI?What are they?
With that premise, this leaves interesting meta-questions:
Does HCI not have good enough models and what sorts of models would be relevant?
Does HCI say “context matters” too much without being able to deliver on what context is?
Are AI researchers like physicists, who need to invent everything on their own?
Do we not have the right insights from HCI and can we offer them to AI?
Tentative schedule
Minutes 0-30: A couple of short State-of-the-Art talks
Minutes 30-60: The panel kick-off addressing the above questions – Panel members will be recruited in the community (and ourselves).
Minutes 60-80: Group talks over coffee
Minutes 80-90: The panel takes a few questions and summarizes
Target audience
People from research and industry interested in human use of AI (and the challenges that follow).
Susanne Bødker, Aarhus University (bodker@cs.au.dk) with Kasper Hornbæk, Pernille Bjørn and Serge Belongie, University of Copenhagen.